Aug 1, 2009

my finished sandals

these are store bought sandals; embellished by me. I tied back the unbuckled leather straps before sanding each wooden surface with two different grades of sandpaper, then emblazoned each with burned flower leaf designs. Finally last night I put on one layer of shine to protect them...I'm so pleased they are finished!


  1. These are beautiful. I love your work. I think my son would love a pair of chopsticks as a Christmas or birthday present (January birthday). Could you let me know how much a pair would be?

    Don't forget to checkout my blog at Artists need to stick together.

  2. Dear Artfulabilities:
    Thank you!
    The chopsticks appear for sale in my Etsy shop; you can visit there at, where they are purchasable..
    I highly recommend Etsy if you want to meet other artists,sell your own work, or just peruse the work of others.
    Have a great day!


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